"Who is that Masked Man?"


In Attendance:  Jeanne Resen, Karen Alexander, Brad Deinst, Judy Groff, Don Groff, Dick Miley, Susann Swan, Sally Jones, Ron Climer, Hoyt Griffith, Betty McAllister, Melinda Lowrance, James Bender, Stan Coss, and guest Mitchell Robinson.

Our Toastmaster, Don Groff, began with a timely theme, “Who is That Masked Man?”   He intertwined stories of Pandemic masks with the infamous Lone Ranger, the ultimate Masked Man.

Our newest Toastmaster, Dick Miley, shared his passion with a delightful tale on a few of his bicycling experiences.  My favorite was the Rocky Mountain adventure with the wild goats demanding a toll of stacks, apples and oranges. As Dick progressed through stopped traffic, the goats followed him, releasing the cars to proceed.  I evaluated Dick’s WHY speech and thoroughly enjoyed learning more about his bicycling adventures.  We now know WHY.

Jeanne Resen, our resident thespian,  charmingly share several stage experiences, one of which involved two of her granddaughters assisting with staff management.  She did an excellent way of introducing these two girls with names and physical description, which allowed us to bring them into here presentation.  The microphone an actor had was not located and they used sign language from either side of the stage to locate it in time for the next actor who needed it on time…the show must go on.  Jeanne was evaluator by Stan Coss who carefully highlighted how this speech used recommendations from her last speech.

Brad Deinst brought very thematic Table Topics and five of our attending members met his challenges. All responses were on point but my favorite was our guest, Mitchell Robinson’s, with his most memorable Halloween mask.  It was from the movie Scream and included what appeared to be blood pouring out through the mask. Chilling indeed.  Other entertaining Table Topics participants include Ron Climer, Judy Groff, Stan Coss, and Susann Swan.

Our Eyes and Ears team included Hoyt Griffith as Grammarian; Betty McCallister as Word Master, choosing an awesome word, SURVIVE; Sally Jones served as our AH counter; and James Bender kept us timely.  The meeting was wrapped up by our General and Table Topics Evaluator Melinda Lowrance who did an excellent job reviewing the participants of our meeting.

We closed with a request to Sally Jones to recommend a date in September  we could meet at her great outdoor space to have an in person pot luck.  She is willing to host but clearly offered no guarantee of safety, we are on our own with that.  I recommended that we do not go into her home for her on safety reasons.

Our ZOOM meetings are both challenging and interesting.  Learning new skills.  Always great to see each and every one of you.

My best to you, Karen Alexander, President

Dick Miley submitted this excellent introduction to his speech the day before his speech.  Stan Coss received it in an email, but it was not submitted as it should have been to the Toastmaster.

Dick Miley has spent and spends a significant slice of his time in bicycling - for about 25 years - and in Rotary - more than 41 years.   Dick says that after he escaped the law - his law practice in South Carolina and Georgia, he had more time for bicycling and Rotary.  His Rotary experience and love of bicycling came together eight years ago when Four Seasons Rotary Club initiated the Tour d’Apple charity cycling event as a major Club event and fundraiser. In his speech today, he will focus on the WHY of the Tour d’Apple  and WHY we might have interest in helping.


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