Standing Out

Carol Walters, President and Toastmaster for the day, set the theme of this meeting, Stand Up, Stand Out. The word of the day was “Reconcile”. We had two guests that were real standouts: Nathan Garnett, a Mills River resident specializing in long term care insurance, and Ernest Mowell with the League of Women Voters. (It was great to have guests and some members hanging out afterwards.) Brad Dienst was Grammarian in addition to being Wordmaster. Stan Coss was Ah Counter, Melinda Lowrance assisted Hoyt Griffith on Timer and Jackie Branscum got us happy as Joke master. Sally Jones did Project 1 from the Persuasive Speaking Manual. She gave us the main points of knowing your audience, getting their attention, and finding what they want or need and then making the close. She followed this with a demonstration with volunteer Betty McCallister. Judy had Table Topics around the theme of Stand Up, Stand Out. Don, Brad, Stan, Jackie and Melinda all responded to prompts focused on adv...