Unity, Leadership, and Summer Fun

Jeanne Resen was our Toastmaster of the day, and she did a great job using the theme of Unity. She helped institute some new procedural changes to our meetings which revolved around making the meetings more efficient, including shortening the Eyes and Ears team introductions and the Timer report, and allowing more time for things like Table Topics. The Word of the Day was Abundance. After a joke from Hoyt, Nathan started us off with a timely speech on Leadership to help ring in the new year of our new club officers. He spoke about how leadership shouldn't be something we seek out but should be a challenge we embrace with open arms when the opportunity presents itself to us. Don Groff gave an impromptu second speech to fill in and reminded us all of the importance of always having a speech in our back pocket. He spoke on summer jobs and the evolution and significance of them, sharing several examples of some of his past work experiences. Brad's Table Topic theme wa...