Parade, Here we Come!

If you think you're scrolling through a fashion catalog, well, you are partially correct. Some of us will want to be in fashion as Toastmasters in the upcoming December 6th parade. This above is the hoodie style that Judy Groff is taking orders for now. She is modeling the small size above but without the Toastmaster logo. Just look at her email to see more details. Another available color besides blue is the maroon color below. The close-up logo is in blue. Now, on with the meeting of November 22. President Susann Swan was the note-taker. The meeting theme was "Synchronicity." 8:00 Sergeant at Arms Melinda Lowrance 8:01 President Susann Swan 8:03 Toastmaster Susann Swan 8:05 Wordmaster Melinda Lowrance 8:08 Jokemaster Jally Jones 8:10 Speaker Danielle Messer 8: 16 Mentoring Moment Karen Alexander 8:28 Table Topics Master Don Groff 8:41 Evaluator #1 Judy Groff 8:44 Eyes and Ears Word...