What's Up?

“What’s Up?”, the theme for our first meeting of the 2018 year, featured several new possibilities for doing things at our meetings. The room was set in a semi circle arrangement partly because the tables were still standing in the room and partly because we have had a recommendation to change the room seating to make it more intimate. Did it work? Ivan Beggs presented a memorable speech on “Impromptu Speaking” from the Better Speaker Series. As a DTM, Ivan is using this speech to complete a second Advanced Communicator Silver Award. He said he chose impromptu speaking because we use this skill daily. He gave us strategies for approaching an impromptu opportunity and a simple process to be effective win delivering the message. Most important he said is to be brief, confident, and sincere. In her evaluation, Jackie Branscum said she couldn’t find any meaningful “grows” to improve Ivan’s speech. The audience had a couple of minor thoughts. Don Groff the second speaker...