The Media

Toastmaster Stan Coss led off with the media theme, because he demonstrated that media is such a big part of our keeping up with current events, be it in print, broadcasts, or the internet. President Susann Swan presented the slate of officers that will be voted on next week for the new year: Karen Alexander, president; VP Education, Stan; VP PR, Judy Groff; VP of Membership, Carole Kitchen (if Carole's membership is renewed); Treasurer, Don Groff; Sergeant at Arms, Don Glovan. Nominations may be made by email to Jeanne Resen or at the start of the June 12th meeting. Don Groff was joke master. TM Stan recalled the important alliance between Toastmasters and Rotary. Rotarian and frequent Toastmaster Guest Dick Miley presented an ice-breaker. He wove* smoothly his bicycling for treats, his education, his military experience that included a Vietnamese pig on a bike, his lawyering, and his cycling to raise money for Rotary. He ended with a challenge to...