A Social In Person at Sally and Jim Joneses, Past, Present, & Future

A hearty seven had plenty of room to socially distance on September 19th. The party started at 2:00 and flowed so well that even the one short-sleeved guest didn't think of leaving until 4:15. Sally and Jim were gracious hosts and even relayed how they first met when inquiring minds like Jeanne wanted to know. 2019: Last year's September Hosting at the Joneses was a splendid outing. Directions to the Toastmasters Social Outing, 929 E. Tracy Grove Rd, Flat Rock 28731 Be careful as some GPS's will take you astray. From 4 Seasons Blvd. Take Dana Road Make right onto Tracy Grove Rd take to the end. At stop sign go straight across Take first right on to East Tracy Grove Rd to stop sign go straight across We are the 4th house on the left. Horse in front pasture. House is tan with green trim. From I 26 Take Upward Road toward Dana From Upward Road make left onto East Tracy Grove Road (3 miles from I26) We are the 3rd house on right....