Attitude of Gratitude

Betty McCallister was Toastmaster and suited well the role of espousing all the reasons to be GRATEFUL (which was Wendy Whittaker's word for the day). Joke master Carole Kitchen captured a child's disappointment at not seeing all the clowns at the office her dad had spoken of. Our first speaker, Susann Swan, had just returned from the N.C. Jazz Festival and spoke on "All That Jazz." She set the mood well before the meeting even started with jazz music playing in the background. She said she had spent 17 hours over the three days of last weekend absorbing the whole jazz party scene. She used the analogy that being at the fest with a ringside seat was similar to having food cooked before you at the table of a Japanese restaurant. She was on the visionary communication pathway using descriptive language. Jeanne Resen was Susann's evaluator. Sally Jones spoke on "Ions and Izidizers" for a radio audience in selling the idea of an ionizer....