Hello Summer!

Evaluator Melinda wore sunshine colors, noted Toastmaster Karla, in her SALUTATION to the summer theme. Word master Don Groff defined and sampled that word so well that members picked up using it from the start. As there was a last-minute cancellation of the joke master, Joseph filled in with a great three-part twist. We were led down one path and then redirected down another. In summary, St. Patrick, by touch, healed the first man of arthritis, the second man of migraines, and the third man insisted he was not to be touched because he wanted his disability checks. Jeanne spoke on "Do You Know How to Speak?" This was the first speech on the Level Two of Pathways, on knowing which one of the four communication styles you tend to using: initiating, analytical, direct, and supportive. Jeanne said if you identified your own style, then you could tailor it to fit the needs of the listener. She was evaluated by Melinda. Sally at the opening o...