Ice Breakers Create Global Warming!

Two amazing ice-breakers were given by two young Toastmasters that would have inspired a global audience. Sadly, just the Four Seasons audience was available at the time. But what a time it was! Toastmaster Stan Coss had chosen the theme of "evaluation," and both speeches were aglow with glows and had very few grows. Hoyt Griffith had us all "ponder" on using his word of the day. Vicky Balson gave a very nicely paced, well-described joke that drew immediate laughs at the punchline. Ice-breaker Caitlin Owens spoke on "Networking- the Uncomfortable Key to Success." She said the keys to making a connection and building community were to have confidence, intuition, and communication. Evaluator Judy Groff gave numerous glows, saying Caitlin had "nailed it." She did suggest Caitlin cut down on the movement or pacing. Danielle Messer, whose three images emblazon this site, broke ice about topics of her past, present, and ...