Finding Your Voice in Toastmasters

Ron Climer took care of Toastmaster duties at today’s meeting. After a prompt opening by Don Groff, Sergeant at Arms and President Carol Walters, Ron handed off to Joke Master Don Glovan. Don gave us a great funny story about Sherlock Holmes and his sidekick. The Evaluation team included Nathan Garnett as Grammarian, Carol Walters as Word Master, Stan Coss as Timer, and Sally Jones as Ah Counter. Judy Groff was Speaker 1 doing her inspirational speech she plans to deliver at the Area International Speech Contest on April 7 . The title was “Finding My Voice” which focused on her journey with Multiple Sclerosis. She was interested in solid, constructive feedback and got that both from Evaluator Jeanne Resin and from the group as a whole. Hoyt Griffith gave us a Mentoring Moment about Table topics. He said he overcame his fear of Table Topics by inventing a clever strategy he called Table Topics Tango. After describing how he used that, he said he can’t recommend u...