Tilting Towards the Sun and then Away

Ron Climer as Table Topics Master watches the parade of august men and women that take on his prompts. We learn from Toastmaster Betty McCallister, as part of the theme on autumn, that the weather of fall and winter cools down due to the earth tilting away from the sun. The Word Master, "august" Nick Ronningen, provided that respectful word of the day, and his son Caleb was one of the table topic responders. Joke Master Sally gave a story a patrol officer had never heard before. Here below left Susann Swan speaks about mentoring, as in her learning about nameology, and Betty continues her Toastmastering transitions on the fall season. Susann spoke on "Why Should I Have a Mentor?" from Pathways Level 2. Her evaluator was Melinda Lowrance. Josh Gravley spoke on "Preach On" from Pathways Level 1. His evaluator was Judy Groff. Below rigth Josh opens his speech and Brad Dienst finishes his table topic. Brad later announced that...