Hurry up and Wait!

If you were not present at today's meeting, you may have hurried here, but you will just have to wait to find out what this visual is all about. Toastmaster Judy Groff conducted the meeting with just one speaker but plenty of time remaining for Karen Alexander's "Member Survey" of goals. That left plenty of time, still, for table topics on the same theme with Carole Kitchen as Table Topics Master. You can never get enough Don's at Toastmasters. One Don was absent, as were many other members on this day. But that still left Don Groff to deliver a joke with much animation. Don Emon wished to take on another table topic prompt as he has so much else he'd like to do. Stan Coss openly admitted to bombing on his last power point, so he was anxious to test out his remote on his laptop in the same setting. Having a full 15 minutes of set up time before the meeting made a world of difference, and he advanced the slides flawles...