Let the Contest Begin!

Here are all the contestants from the International and Table Topics Speech Contests. L to R: Ray Daley, Molly Garnett, Judy Groff and Karen Alexander (the two International Speech contestants), Caitlin Owens, Carole Kitchen, and Don Groff. Consider how you would respond to this TT prompt: "Every four years, there's a leap year, the presidential election, and the Summer Olympics. How would you compare or contrast two of these three events happening this year?" Two of the five TT contestants chose to not mention the presidential event. In light of the presidential omission of shaking hands with the Speaker of the House two days before, Contest Master Stan Coss spoke of there being maybe a greater courtesy in using the fist bump over the handshake to relinquish control of the speaking area. It was, after all, the peak of the flu and virus season. The contest was well attended by all the support team members in timing, counting, and judging....