Longevity and a Quality of Life that Matters

Toastmaster Brad Dienst gave interesting insights and interludes into longevity, and Word Master Susann Swan supported the theme with "venerable." Joke Master Betty McCallister incited laughter with a teenage son whose father with the wisdom of Solomon withheld driving privileges: if Jesus and others of his time had long hair, that did not mean the teen could forego cutting his hair and still get a car to drive. Jesus and others also did not have motorized vehicles. Speaker Stan Coss converted his back pocket speech before another club two weeks ago into a Pathways project that emphasized body movement. His title was "These Black Lives, especially, Mattered." He explained how three people gave lessons in a life that mattered. Truth be told, the slide used above, along with the mule, was much smaller than Stan recalls. The mule at times had to pull a rubber-tired wagon loaded with green tobacco leaves, not just thr...