Reflections on Christmas and Membership

(The officer meeting followed the regular meeting; the regular meeting had a Christmas theme and the board meeting had the theme of building membership. Some ideas from the officer meeting resonated from ideas presented two weeks prior at the officer training. VP of Membership Betty McCallister, R, and VP of Education Sally Jones, L, show eagerness to learn.) After some role clarification, we had a fun and entertaining meeting. Carol served as Toastmaster, Brad was Grammarian, Hoyt as Wordmaster, Gon Gloven as Ah Counter, Jackie as Timer (and Ron read off the good and naughty list as GE) . Don Groff told a great joke about a parrot that used lots of swear words. Stan Coss was our only speaker, but he was enough. He captured our full attention and kept it during his Interpretive reading titled the “Drowning Man”. This was a play with three characters by Anton Chekov and adapted to by Neil Simon. Judy’s evaluation spoke highly of Stan’s technique in diffe...