FSTM Fall Recap

We had a busy fall and received much acclaim for our efforts. The Open House was great because Betty and her team did such a fantastic job of planning it. (The format was revived easily with another invite on the date of our last meeting.) We had a Humorous Speech Contest with the Evaluation Contest, chaired by Judy, with Betty as Chief Judge. This was all done in conjunction with our regular meeting. We should be proud and thankful for being involved with this great group of people. I found a long lost link to a video of me doing the “Everybody Has Something” speech that I did two years ago for the International Speech Contest. It was on YouTube. I was pleased with my progress in speaking and with moving around on stage. Perhaps we should try to do more video-recording? (Stan volunteers to do any recording and posting, too, if that is desired. Just give ample notice of a day or two.) ...