Planting Goes Year Round

Brand new Toastmaster, MaryBeth Dallman, shows her love for a Table Topic. Toastmaster of the Week, Sally Jones; Theme, Planting; Wordmaster, Hoyt Griffith; Word of the day (Ballyhoo); Grammarian, Don Groff; Ah Counter, Carole Kitchen; Timer, Randy Dunn; Joke Master, Stan Coss; Speaker#1, Susann Swan; Speaker #2, Betty McCallister;Table Topics Master, Melinda Lowrance; Speaker # 1 Evaluator, Ron Climer; Speaker #2 Evaluator, Jeanne Resen; TT Evaluator, Judy Groff; General Evaluator, Don Emon. Stan gave the joke of the day about a surgery in another hospital besides Pardee. All of the toastmasters had a role in reading the punch lines. Susann spoke about “5G: What It Can Do for Us and to Us?” She discussed the concept of 5G, what it can do, how it will be deployed, and potential health risks to us. She urged Toastmasters to do their own research as well. Betty ‘s topic was “13 Things th...