
In a table topic, Molly Garnett said she found happiness with parasailing. Toastmaster Jeanne Resen sailed through her happiness theme. She spoke about how happiness is measured. She talked about how Eastern religions achieve happiness. Jeanne also summarized what Judaism and Catholicism speak about happiness. She included Abraham Maslow’s theory of peak experiences. Wordmaster Caitlin Owens used Precipice as the w ord of the day. The G rammarian was Melinda Lowrance, the Ah Counter was Don Groff, and the Timer was Hoyt Griffith. Joseph Girmann told a joke about Sherlock Holmes and Watson going camping. Guest speaker Rei Fuller spoke about the benefits about joining and advanced club. She is a member of the Advanced speakers of Asheville. She spoke of the benefits of the level of feedback that members receive and he experience of delivering longer speeches. Members need to have achieved at least level 2 in Pathways or have given...