
In a table topic, Molly Garnett said she found happiness with parasailing. Toastmaster Jeanne Resen sailed
through her happiness theme. She spoke about how happiness is measured.  She talked about how Eastern religions achieve happiness.  Jeanne also summarized what Judaism and Catholicism speak about happiness.  She included Abraham Maslow’s theory of peak experiences.
Wordmaster Caitlin Owens used Precipice as the word of the day. The Grammarian was Melinda Lowrance, the Ah Counter was Don Groff, and the Timer was Hoyt Griffith. Joseph Girmann told a joke about Sherlock Holmes and Watson going camping.
Guest speaker Rei Fuller spoke about the benefits about joining and advanced club.  She is a member of the
Advanced speakers of Asheville. She spoke of the benefits of the level of feedback that members receive and
he experience of delivering longer speeches.  Members need to have achieved at least level 2 in Pathways or
have given six speeches in the competent communication manual. She summarized the dues schedule and
offered FSTM members a membership reduction if they join the advanced club this month.

Ron was speaking from storytelling manual.  In his speech entitled, "Journey to Justice," he used dramatic flair
to describe his quest to get his real estate teaching credentials approved.  He encouraged members to practice
perseverance in righting injustices, as well as improving their businesses, relationship, and all facets of their lives.

Table Topics Master Sally asked Carole about her idea of a perfect party.  Carole described the new friends that
she met when she went to a memorial service and met new friends as a result.
Molly spoke about her secret desire to go parasailing in Greece.
Don Emon was asked to speak about a compliment he received recently.  He spoke about speaking at a church
and receiving a standing ovation.
Danielle was asked about a pet she would like to own.  She spoke about her desire to have a horse.
Karen evaluated Rei Fuller’s speech.  She complimented Rei’s eye contact, and vocal enthusiasm, and poise
when she briefly lost her place in her speech.   She recommended a stronger introduction, and handing out
material before or after the speech.

Judy evaluated Ron’s speech.  She summarized the elements that the storytelling component requires.  She
praised his plot development, presentation of new information, and his inspiration of the audience.
The eyes and ears team gave their reports.
Betty gave the evaluation of the meeting.  She praised Jeanne’s research into the theme and noted that the
audience must be happier as a result of the speeches during the meeting.   She appreciated Judy summarizing
the objectives of Ron’s speech during her evaluation.
Members Present: Judy Groff, Don Emon, Ron Climer, Melinda Lowrance, Carole Kitchen, Caitlin Owens,
Brad Dienst, Joseph Girmann, Karen Alexander, Stan Coss. Hoyt Griffith. Don Groff, Marybeth Dalton, Sally Jones,
Betty McAllister, Susann Swan, Molly Garnett, Danielle Messer.
Guests: Rei Fuller, Ryan Legati, David Lagati

Jeanne and Betty open and close the meeting.
Hold the date!!!  The Groffs will host and end of the program year potluck at their home on Sunday, June 9,
from 4 – 7 pm.  All FSTM members and their spouses/significant others are welcome.
Highlights from the monthly officers’ meeting:
This was the last meeting of the program year over which President Judy Groff presided. She focused
on tying up loose ends.  There are four new members who need to be inducted. This will likely happen
at the June 28 meeting. There was a short discussion about certificates of completion for finishing a
evel in Pathways.  
Sally, as VP of Education confirmed with the area director that the club earned six points but needs one
more to be designated as Select Distinguished.  
Karen, our incoming VP of Education, asked about officers’ training for the new program year.  

The Groffs will not be at the last two meetings in June, but will return for the July 12 meeting.  As a
reminder, it was a club decision not to hold a meeting on July 5, due to people likely to be out of town
over the 4th of July weekend.


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