The Magical Power of Humor

Mirth was chosen by Word Master Mary Beth to support the humor theme. Toastmaster Stan Coss used three types of humor featured in June's Toastmaster Magazine, the cover story on "The Magical Power of Humor." Randy presented a great twist on sharing bad news as Joke Master. Then Stan launched into his first type of humor, vulnerability. For two more transitions he used the other types of humor in the magazine, relatability and self-deprecation. In each he expanded on a Pardee emergency he'd been treated for four years ago. Carole’s ice-breaker speech was titled, "Who Am I?" She spoke about her family heritage and the various careers that she has had. She described her educational path and her current studies. Joseph spoke about communications styles. And personality styles based on Carol Tuttle’s work. He described energy types, facial features and other ways to identify one of four energy types of people, citing a few FSTM members as exam...