What do you say on the spur of the moment?

It was the first gathering for the new year: a great one, even if small in attendance. Many members were currently under the weather or had even more severe health issues. Melinda had laryngitis but did her best to lead us in the pledge of allegiance. Here she embraces Don and Diane just as they had to leave for a pressing appointment. What do you do when you are prompted to speak with no preparation? Do you pivot or do you press on full steam ahead? Do you let yourself be vulnerable? Jeanne Resen, the leader of this meeting on table topics, advised to simply bear on with the truth. Today's meeting had some deep truth-seeking, some flights of fancy, and some missed opportunities. It all comes with the territory, especially when it is uncharted territory. Participants drew some very challenging topics from a bag, spoke for one to two minutes with timekee...