Much Ado About Something!

a Starring Jeanne Resen and Ron Climer, with a supporting cast including Melinda Apple, Mary B. Gardner, Hoyt Zone, Karen Cake and Countess Danielle Messer. Director Sally Jones, Executive Producer Susann Swan, Grammartographer Molly Garnett, and Timarian Don Groff. Sally Jones opened with the theme of fall and gave Carole Kitchen the role of Joke Master and that of Word Master to Stan Coss. It was a "delightful" meeting up until the end when Susann Swan had to play casting director for the next meeting. Filling roles can be so much easier if members would simply go online and sign themselves up! Jeanne Resen's leading role was to speak in a persuasive and credible way about a topic. She did use the "delightful" word of the day at the opening but then focused her content on a somewhat unsavory subject: food that may not be good for our bodies to process. She had on display nicely packaged snacks and cereals. (Insert disclai...