Much Ado About Something!

Starring Jeanne Resen and Ron Climer, with a supporting cast including Melinda Apple, Mary B. Gardner, Hoyt Zone, 
Karen Cake and Countess Danielle Messer.  Director Sally Jones, Executive Producer Susann Swan, Grammartographer Molly Garnett, and Timarian Don Groff.

Sally Jones opened with the theme of fall and gave Carole Kitchen the role of  Joke Master and that of Word Master to Stan Coss.  It was a "delightful" meeting up until the end when Susann Swan had to play casting director for the next meeting.  Filling roles can be so much easier if members would simply go online and sign themselves up!

Jeanne Resen's leading role was to speak in a persuasive and credible way about a topic.  She did use the "delightful" word of the day at the opening but then focused her content on a somewhat unsavory subject: food that may not be good for our bodies to process.  She had on display nicely packaged snacks and cereals. (Insert disclaimer here:  the Doritos on display is NOT proven to cause particular harm.)   Jeanne said many foods may produce hidden dangers with the use of herbicides and genetic engineering.  She said 70% of America's diet is imported and most of that from China, which may not meet reasonable sanitary standards. (So, who do you think is winning the trade war? . . . .)  Jeanne's mantra was simply on food packages to "Read the Label." Her speech was evaluated by Judy Groff.

Ron Climer could have taken the role of Claudio in Shakespeare's play of Much Ado about Nothing, but he instead said adieu to that offer and co-starred as the second speaker.  Ron introduced tips about giving a proper introduction:  Do read the speaker's  introduction if possible, but if none is provided, say a number of choice, relevant qualifications;  Do make the speaker the star:  Don't surprise the speaker with old yarns or inappropriate humor; Don't say "without further ado." His speech was evaluated by Carole Kitchen.

Table Topics Master Susann Swan prompted four members with ideas dealing with the fall: 
Melinda, Mary Beth, Hoyt, and Karen.

Mentoring Moment Presenter Karen Alexander had two dates for all to remember:  September 20th, which is to be our speech contest to include five contestants and a host of contest workers that are desperately needed, including contest chair, chief judge, anonymous judges, ballot counters, and timers, who are needing to sign up for a great contest to happen; September 29th, also to be signed up for online, is a grill-out at the Sally and Jim Joneses, which needs potluck dishes to become a feast.

Judy Groff was GE and Table Topics Evaluator.  The Eyes and Ears team, if you missed it, had Danielle Messer as ah-counter, Don Groff as Timer, and Molly Garnett as Grammarian.  

President Susann Swan ended the meeting by trying to fill roles for next week as there were so many gaps online.    As Shakespeare said in his play All's Well That Ends Well, no meeting ends well if the casting director has to take over at the curtain call.  No the play doesn't say that, but please sign up online for some roles before you go offline.  The link is included with the notice of these minutes.  It couldn't safely be embedded here or a hacker could wreak havoc.  (Currently for October there are two members signed up for the absence slots and only two signed up for roles.)

The casting did pull in at least one prize catch:  
New Member Josh Gravley as Ice-Breaker Speaker.  

Stay tuned.

In attendance were the following:  Melinda Lowrance, Susann Swan, Sally Jones, Carole Kitchen, Stan Coss, Jeanne Resen, Ron Climer, Karen Alexander, Molly Garnett, Don Groff, Danielle Messer, Mary Beth Dallman, Josh Gravley, Guest Caleb Ronningen and Guest Warren Resen,
& Brand-New Member Nick  Ronningen.


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