Family Vacation

Sally Jones, as Toastmaster, decided to extend her own family vacation by making that the theme.  There were scores of images of family vacations at the beach, but that would not have worked with the virtual background that the major speaker used.  So, bikes will do here and also call up Dick Miley's favorite topic of cycling.   While much of the Apple Festival will be modified or shut down for Labor Day, the Tour d’Apple will continue as one of the events.  More is given at the end.

Melinda Lowrance was the joke master, and Karen Alexander presented a well-used word of the day, "summer."

Stan Coss gave his final speech for the Gold on the old legacy system by focusing on the new delivery system of Pathways.  Joining him in the role play of a cold sale scenario, Betty McCallister took the part of an investor on the Shark Tank.  Stan pitched the product all members have bought but only a few have bought in to: Pathways. 
      Stan especially complimented those who'd finished the first two levels:  Jeanne, Judy, Sally, and Susann.  For the guys, the two Don's were praised for practically wrapping up level one with its four speeches and an evaluation.  It was acknowledged that there are a lot of assessments and jumping through hoops to advance in this new system.  Some of the positives were pointed out in there being so many options.  While public speaking is the major feature of all the paths, there are eleven minors to choose from, starting from engaging humor to innovative planning to coaching to leadership.
       Betty McCallister was thanked for her willingness to take on the role play.  The veterans that so excelled in making and evaluating speeches did not necessarily have the expertise to help direct themselves or new members with the Pathways system of going online.  A major risk with "buying in" is taking the time to move on up the learning curve.  Stan added that with Susann's willingness to take on the Pathways record keeping and the Pathways mentoring for the upcoming year as secretary, this should facilitate a smoother journey.
      In the question and answer period of the presentation, Sally said the Toastmaster switchboard can be very helpful in navigation.  Members with questions were also invited to connect with Stan or Susann.

As Table Topics Master, Don Groff gave prompts on "Fond Memories of Summer."  Participants were Karen Alexander, Melinda Lowrance, Jeanne Resen, Ray Daley, and Hoyt Griffith.

The Eyes and Ears team gave its reports:  Ray Daley as Grammarian, Karen Alexander as Word Master, Hoyt Griffith as Timer, and Jeanne Resen as Ah-Counter.

Members attending were the following: Karen Alexander, Stan Coss,  Ray Daley, Hoyt Griffith, Don Groff, Judy Groff,  Sally Jones, Melinda Lowrance, Betty McCallister,  Jeanne Resen, and Susann Swan,

More on that Apple Festival Update:  This year’s event will send the public out to the local orchards throughout Henderson County to prevent the gathering of the usual large crowds experienced on Main Street.

The festivities on Main Street will be not held this year, these include the Street Fair, Kiddie Carnival, entertainment and the King Apple Parade. People are encouraged to support the local apple industry, while practicing the CDC public safety guidelines.

The Tour d'Apple is an exciting ride through Western North Carolina’s apple orchards, waterfalls, and mountains to benefit the charitable projects of the Hendersonville Four Seasons Rotary Club. It includes a Century (100 miles), a metric-century (100km), as well as 45 and 25mi options.  It will be on Sept. 7 from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.  There will be plenty of rest stops beginning from Blue Ridge Community College.


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