
Toastmaster Hoyt Griffith chose "Transitions" with the new officers pledging to fulfill their new roles. Don #1 Groff whittled down his gavel to a sharp point to better track the finances as treasurer. Don #2 Glovan, the man with the thousand backgrounds, is new to being Sergeant-at-Arms, but he'll be a cinch to keep things under control. He served as joke master for today and even sang his punchline. Carole Kitchen can be counted on to safely welcome new members as the VP Membership. President Susann Swan passes on her leadership to President-Elect Karen Alexander, who's been second in command all year. (Better photos of the officers should be forthcoming once in person.) Jeanne Resen gave her ice-breaker as she is ready to start her second Pathway in "Engaging with Humor." She dealt with the theme of "Who is the Real Jeanne?" Early on in her marriage she said she'd discovered that the root of all religion is the ...