
Showing posts from August 5, 2018

Taking a simple Respite Is not an Option

Co-Toastmasters Karla Reese and John Glover provided the theme of vacations which was reinforced by Table Topics Master Judy Groff.  She had us imagine the benefits of travel as well as the negative points.  This led to a debate between Hoyt Griffith and Melinda Lowrance.  In his table topic, Hoyt picked benefits and spoke to seeing always new places rather than returning to old haunts.  Melinda grabbed ahold of the negative side in her fear of flying, avoidance of older drivers, run-ins with discourteous hotel staffers, and especially, having to fumigate against dust mites and bed bugs.   Stanley Yurth gave his ice breaker to say how in Toastmasters and in his career he was becoming a better version of himself.  He said his mother had migrated from Hondurous and met his dad in 1998.  He described how he'd become an entrepreneur with electronics.  Jeanne Resen gave a Powerpoint on Team Building.  She gave us lots of take aways t...