Watermelon and other Goodies at the State Fair

Hoyt served as Toastmaster on the theme of "State Fairs." He fared well in recruiting two members to very capably fill in at the last minute: Don Emon with a speech on squatter rights and Don Groff with being joke master. "Concessions" was John Glover's word of the day. Don E. conceded that you need to keep watch of any property that you have. A squatter may encroach within a 10-year period and take hold if not discovered. Jeanne Resen planted herself firmly with a mostly glowing evaluation. Ron Climer gave his storytelling with a moral project. He said from age 13-15 as a Floridian he helped load up watermelons in the field at the end of each row. His task was to heave up the watermelon about seven feet for the foreman to catch and stack. Unfortunately, his summer's work was made more difficult as the double axle tractor became in vogue. It could pull a flatbed with a heavier load, which meant his seven foot heave became only fi...