The Concept of Time

Pardee Hospital played host once again, and five hospital staffers attended alongside regular members. Michael Thompson was the Toastmaster of the Day and led off on the theme of "The Concept of Time." Margaret Davis introduced "juncture" as word of the day, and Don Groff gave his joke of the day. As you can see the two prepared speakers of the day and the Toastmaster were dressed to impress. Melinda Lowrance gave a very timely speech on "Why We Celebrate Black History Month." She said the event was first celebrated in a week in February 1926 to encompass the birth days of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. The celebration was expanded to a month in 1976, the nation's bicentennial. Her speech was evaluated by Don Emon. Karen Alexander spoke on "Activities in Daily Living." She said attitude makes all the difference and encouraged her audience to brighten someone's day and greet each day with a smile. She told of b...