The Concept of Time

Pardee Hospital played host once again, and five hospital staffers attended alongside regular members.   Michael Thompson was the Toastmaster of the Day and led off on the theme of "The Concept of Time."  Margaret Davis introduced "juncture" as word of the day, and Don Groff gave his joke of the day.  As you can see the two prepared speakers of the day and the Toastmaster were dressed to impress.

Melinda Lowrance gave a very timely speech on "Why We Celebrate Black History Month."  She said the event was first celebrated in a week in February 1926 to encompass the birth days of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass.  The celebration was expanded to a month in 1976, the nation's bicentennial.  Her speech was evaluated by Don Emon.

Karen Alexander spoke on "Activities in Daily Living."  She said attitude makes all the difference and encouraged her audience to brighten someone's day and greet each day with a smile.  She told of being stranded on Foley Beach on a one way road with five kids and deciding to have all sing and jam to "Carolina Girl."  Of attitude she said, you bring it and you choose it.  Her speech was evaluated by Jeanne Resen.

Karen Alexander and Margaret Davis spin their stories while caught in the moment.

As the "enforcer of terror," Karla Reese was introduced in her role of table topics master.  "Everyone will be given a simple prompt," promised Karla.  Stan promptly was given a bunch of trouble: 'Tell your favorite kid on the Brady Bunch."  Had he only hummed the tune for the opening of  the show:  "Here's the story of a lovely lady, Who was bringing up three lovely girls. . . Till the one day when the lady met this fellow, And they knew that it was much more than a hunch. . . That's the way we all became the Brady Bunch, The Brady Bunch. . . .

Margaret and Merle took their topics and really flew away, one to New England and one to a shed outside a 400 square foot tiny house. We learned that Merle slops paint around and leads meditations online.  Mary Beth, the Pardee Coordinator, pulled off a classic pivot in having the crowd sing Happy Birthday to Karla, and then she responded to her prompt with aplomb.  Sally said she was accountable to time in scratching items off her list.  Barbara showed she did far more than just live in someone's shadow.  And then it was, thankfully, time to end table topics.

The eyes and ears team gave its report, with Stan as fill-in secretary and grammarian and Don Groff as timer and ah-counter, with Judy as back-up ah-reporter.  The General Evaluator and Table Topics Evaluator, Betty McCallister, had something nice to say to everyone.  President Judy Groff gave closing remarks and set the next Pardee meeting for 3-27.

In attendance were the following:  Judy and Don Groff, Don and Deanne Emon, Karla Reese, Betty McCallister, Michael Thompson, Karen Alexander, Margaret Davis, Melinda Lowrance, Jeanne Resen, and five Pardee employees (Mary Beth, Barbara, and three others in the audience).


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