"Who is that Masked Man?"

In Attendance: Jeanne Resen, Karen Alexander, Brad Deinst, Judy Groff, Don Groff, Dick Miley, Susann Swan, Sally Jones, Ron Climer, Hoyt Griffith, Betty McAllister, Melinda Lowrance, James Bender, Stan Coss, and guest Mitchell Robinson. Our Toastmaster, Don Groff, began with a timely theme, “Who is That Masked Man?” He intertwined stories of Pandemic masks with the infamous Lone Ranger, the ultimate Masked Man. Our newest Toastmaster, Dick Miley, shared his passion with a delightful tale on a few of his bicycling experiences. My favorite was the Rocky Mountain adventure with the wild goats demanding a toll of stacks, apples and oranges. As Dick progressed through stopped traffic, the goats followed him, releasing the cars to proceed. I evaluated Dick’s WHY speech and thoroughly enjoyed learning more about his bicycling adventures. We now know WHY. Jeanne Resen, our resident thespian, charmingly share several stage experiences, one of whic...