
Showing posts from May 17, 2020

Pathway to a Memorial

Karen Alexander was Toastmaster with the theme of Memorial Day.  Karen also filled in as TTM on that theme when an assigned member did not confirm and was not present.  The other theme even more prevalent was Pathways, as both speakers addressed it as the focus of their speeches. Jeanne Resen made a big hit with her joke on an especially old church member who could truthfully say to the pastor and the whole church that she had no enemies; she had outlived them all.  Special Guest Jairo Rodriguez, zooming from Virginia, said he especially liked the joke.  He'd been invited by President Susann Swan.   Susann said Jairo had persisted in asking and finally having her rejoin a Toastmasters club when she lived in Virginia. Hoyt Griffith gave a speech that was the last one required to earn the Bronze Communication Award in the legacy system.  Congratulations!  Hoyt's speech was titled "The Case Against Pathways."  His goals were to dispel hos...