Pathway to a Memorial

Karen Alexander was Toastmaster with the theme of Memorial Day.  Karen also filled in as TTM on that theme when an assigned member did not confirm and was not present.  The other theme even more prevalent was Pathways, as both speakers addressed it as the focus of their speeches.

Jeanne Resen made a big hit with her joke on an especially old church member who could truthfully say to the pastor and the whole church that she had no enemies; she had outlived them all.  Special Guest Jairo Rodriguez, zooming from Virginia, said he especially liked the joke.  He'd been invited by President Susann Swan.   Susann said Jairo had persisted in asking and finally having her rejoin a Toastmasters club when she lived in Virginia.

Hoyt Griffith gave a speech that was the last one required to earn the Bronze Communication Award in the legacy system.  Congratulations!  Hoyt's speech was titled "The Case Against Pathways."  His goals were to dispel hostility and convince the audience his side had merit in the public relations manual.    He described three valid perceptions.  He said the basic problem, he believed, was that public speaking was being downplayed in all paths in favor of the leadership component.  He also mentioned the speedy transition and the ambassador who introduced the program that, in our case, was ill-prepared.
        After he presented his side, he opened the floor for questions and got five members that pretty much believed as Hoyt did.  Susann did offer a different perspective, particularly in her speech.  Stan Coss was Hoyt's evaluator, and he encouraged further discussion of this important topic.

Susann Swan spoke on "Pathways Wants Me to Do What?"  She said she had resistance to writing a communication plan and writing out her speech.  She did both and created a vision board as Ron Climer had suggested. She said the strategies stretched her to go out of her comfort zone but also produced an effort that improved her revision and focus.  She was evaluated by Judy Groff who complimented her giving the positives of the program

Jeanne Resen spoke briefly in a mentoring moment encouraging members to consider the importance of service as an officer.  She said the secretary role was diminished (Karen said she'd write up minutes in a blog) but still vacant and important.

The Eyes and Ears team gave their reports:   Don Groff was ah counter; Ray Daley was grammarian, and Don Glovan was timer.  Betty McCallister was GE and TTE.

President Susann Swan listed the roles that had been filled and the ones still bare and encouraged members to go on line to sign up.

Members attending were the following: Karen Alexander, Stan Coss,  Ray Daley,  Don Glovan, Hoyt Griffith, Don Groff, Judy Groff, Sally Jones, Melinda Lowrance, Betty McCallister,  Jeanne Resen, Blanca Sanchez, and Susann Swan.


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