
Judy opened the meeting with the installation of the officers for the 2019-2020 program year who were in attendance. She presented tools to them to symbolize the roles they will play in the club. The officers installed were Melinda Lowrance—Sergeant at Arms; Don Groff—Treasurer; Stan Coss – Secretary; Karen Alexander—VP of Education; and Susann Swan—President. Toastmaster Karen Alexander gave joyful as the theme. The role of word master was vacant but presented no problem, as the word master, Sally Jones, posted a print out of Conundrum. Susann gave the joke of the day about some special parrots. Sally gave an 8 to 10 minute speech about “Conquering the Cold Call.” She enlisted Betty to be her cold call as they discussed homes with problems with odors, and Sally tried to sell an air purification system to Betty. Joseph gave his speech about what a shaman is and what tools are used. This speech was to incorporate feedback from a...