
Toastmaster Judy Groff really practiced flexibility, last Friday's theme, in keeping the meeting fluid. Here's a quick line-up: Wordmaster: Stan Coss (Word of the day: Frontier); Grammarian: Stan Coss Ah Counter: Sally Jones; Timer: Don Groff; Joke Master: Don Emon; Speaker#1: Jeanne Resen Speaker #2 Joseph Girmann; Table Topics Master: Don Groff; Speaker # Evaluator: Karen Alexander Speaker #2 Evaluator: Judy Groff; General and TT Evaluator: Don Emon. Judy invited Jeanne to induct Susann Swan as a member of FSTM, after the membership had voted to admit her formally as a member of the organization. This was followed by the election of officers for the new program year beginning July 1. The new officers are as follows: President: Susann Swan; VP Education: Karen Alexander; VP Membership: Caitlin Owens; VP Public Relations: Karla Reese; Secretary: Stan Coss; Sergeant at Arms: Melinda Lowrance, Don Emon stepped in to give the joke of the day about a young Cherokee...