
Toastmaster Judy Groff really practiced flexibility, last Friday's theme, in keeping the meeting fluid.  Here's a quick line-up: Wordmaster: Stan Coss (Word of the day: Frontier); Grammarian: Stan Coss
Ah Counter: Sally Jones; Timer: Don Groff; Joke Master: Don Emon; Speaker#1: Jeanne Resen
Speaker #2 Joseph Girmann; Table Topics Master: Don Groff; Speaker # Evaluator: Karen Alexander
Speaker #2 Evaluator: Judy Groff; General and TT Evaluator: Don Emon.

Judy invited Jeanne to induct Susann Swan as a member of FSTM, after the membership had voted to
admit her formally as a member of the organization. This was followed by the election of officers for the new program year beginning July 1. The new officers are as follows: President: Susann Swan; VP Education: Karen Alexander; VP Membership: Caitlin Owens; VP Public Relations: Karla Reese; Secretary: Stan Coss; Sergeant at Arms: Melinda Lowrance,

Don Emon stepped in to give the joke of the day about a young Cherokee maiden and her two suitors.  One of them was called Falling Rock.  That maiden left on a search or a watch for falling rock.  You may have seen him on a mountain road.

Impromptu speeches are commonplace at Toastmasters, 
whether it is Karla's table topic or Don's back pocket joke.

Jeanne Resen gave a research speech, “Are we Hurting Ourselves?” in which she discussed research on the effects of microwave cooking on our food. Joseph Girmann gave a speech about shamanism. He presented an overview about what it is and what it isn’t, and how it can be used to help people.

Karen evaluated Jeanne’s speech. She praised Jeanne’s use of the stage and how she presented her
information. She suggested a grow of adding a little humor to the speech to put people at ease.
Judy evaluated Joseph’s speech. She complimented how he presented the topic in a way that didn’t put off people. Grows mainly dealt with his gestures.

Evaluation and feedback is also commonplace.  Evaluator comments are personal opinions; 
members are invited to give their own feedback on written forms each meeting.

Table topics: Don called on Karla to answer the question: tell us about when you hit a home run in your life. She told us about the summer junior volunteer program at the hospital.
Hoyt answered Don’s question about helping out in a pinch, like a pinch hitter. He spoke of how he learned to use lead and won a marble tournament with a lead marble he had made.
Betty spoke about getting “steals” when she shops.

Don Emon as GE praised the flexibility of our members in putting on great show.

Members Present: Judy Groff, Don Groff, Don Emon, Jeanne Resen, Hoyt Griffith, Sally Jones, Melinda Lowrance, Stan Coss, Betty McAllister, Karen Alexander, Joseph Girmann
Guests: Jane Eboch, Molly Garnett, Barbara Alexander

Following the club meeting, the current officers met to discuss a variety of topics including:
How the room setup is working for our meetings. We may move the lectern to one side so that the
speakers have more room to move at the front of the room.  The VP of Education wants to urge all members to sign up for roles at future meetings to avoid being assigned a role. The President agreed to remind members to do so at the end of meetings.

Hold the date!!! The Groffs will host an end of the program year potluck at their home on Sunday,
June 9, from 4 – 7 pm. All FSTM members and their spouses/significant others are welcome.

For more info on the Toastmaster District Conference of May 3-5, check out our club's website at


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