An Exercise in Listening

Jackie Branscum, Toastmaster, had us Listening: Two Ears and One Mouth. This was the theme of the day and she quizzed us at the end of the meeting with three simple questions to see if we indeed were listening. Don Groff was Timer, Ron Climer, Joke Master, Sally Jones, Ah Counter, and Hoyt Griffith, Word Master and Grammarian. The word of the day was “holus-bolus” (all at once). We had two guests, Arlene Dwayne Hemingway, DTM, and Tomai Webb. Melinda Lowrance gave her Ice Breaker speech titled, “The Renaissance Woman”. We learned about all the many different roles Melinda plays plus owning and operating her cleaning business. The second speaker was Judy Groff doing project #4 from the Interpretive Reading Advanced manual. This project was a Monodrama where she had to project a character while engaging another unseen character. She did an “Introduction to Winnie the Pooh”. Brad Dienst as Table Topics Master, used a strategy of citing six people which we were supposed to remember...