Trial of a New Format

We had a slightly different look to the meeting today. The theme was “Change is in the Air”. Stan Coss, Toastmaster, took us on a lively trip exploring a new format suggested to shake up things a bit. The purpose being to see if we can get more table topics into the meeting line-up. He did accomplish that. We skipped the Pledge of Allegiance and went straight from Sergeant at Arms calling the meeting to order to Toastmaster taking charge. The agenda is an important tool in this format as it has the responsibilities of each member of the Eyes and Ears Team printed in a side-bar. Don Groff, Word Master and Grammarian did respond to a prompt from Stan to give us the word of the day. Don Glovan and Hoyt, Timer and Ah-counter respectively were given one prompt for only one to respond to. The prompt had to do with the protest gesture of taking a knee at sporting events. Don Glovan responded, reluctantly. Our speaker was Ron Climer with a persuasive speech entitled, “You...