Taking a simple Respite Is not an Option

Co-Toastmasters Karla Reese and John Glover provided the theme of vacations which was reinforced by Table Topics Master Judy Groff.  She had us imagine the benefits of travel as well as the negative points.  This led to a debate between Hoyt Griffith and Melinda Lowrance.  In his table topic, Hoyt picked benefits and spoke to seeing always new places rather than returning to old haunts.  Melinda grabbed ahold of the negative side in her fear of flying, avoidance of older drivers, run-ins with discourteous hotel staffers, and especially, having to fumigate against dust mites and bed bugs.  

Stanley Yurth gave his ice breaker to say how in Toastmasters and in his career he was becoming a better version of himself.  He said his mother had migrated from Hondurous and met his dad in 1998.  He described how he'd become an entrepreneur with electronics.  Jeanne Resen gave a Powerpoint on Team Building.  She gave us lots of take aways to use with our various teams this year. Evaluators Stan Coss and Betty McCallister gave their best grows and glows as they were being signaled to end at the two-minute mark instead of three minutes. (We love you, anyway, Ron.)

The Eyes and Ears team included Word Master Margaret Davis using "respite"; Grammarian Don Groff; Ah Counter Melinda Lowrance; Timer Ron Climer.  Brad Dienst was GE and Table Topics Evaluator.

Members present were the following: Karla Reese, John Glover, Stanley Yurth, Betty McCallister, Don Emon, Judy Groff, Jeanne , Margaret Davis, Melinda Lowrance, Don Groff, Hoyt Griffith, Ron Climer, Brad Dienst, Stan Coss, and guest, Warren Resen.

Stanley shows off his infectious enthusiasm to be the best version of himself.

What exactly did Ron do in a wheelbarrow to cross a gorge on a tightrope for  $100 in cash?  Only those in attendance can be for sure.

Don E shows the tie he was required to wear to gain entrance at a restaurant.

John Glover and Karla Reese lead the meeting as Co-Toastmasters.

Comments from the President:    
 Glow: Thanks to Stanley Yurth, we have a standard agenda framework for the Toastmaster to use. We are doing a good job of tightening up the meeting by putting the evaluation team roles on the agenda and only having them report one time. The set up for the meeting looks more welcoming with the chairs moved into a curved shape. Toastmasters are doing a good job finishing a few minutes early.
Grows for more streamlining time and generally improving our meetings: 1) Speech evaluators focus on constructive glows and grows which will help the speaker improve. We hear the speech so a recap of the speech is redundant. 2) General Evaluator can focus on any elements of the meeting that were particularly strong or were lacking. For the table topic presenters, give only grows and glows for each speaker. Again, a recap of their content focus is not helpful. 


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