
Toastmaster Hoyt Griffith chose "Transitions" with the new officers pledging to fulfill their new roles.  Don #1 Groff whittled down his gavel to a sharp point to better track the finances as treasurer.

Don #2 Glovan, the man with the thousand backgrounds, is new to being Sergeant-at-Arms, but he'll be a cinch to keep things under control.  He served as joke master for today and even sang his punchline.  Carole Kitchen can be counted on to safely welcome new members as the VP Membership.

President Susann Swan passes on her leadership to President-Elect Karen Alexander, who's been second in command all year.  (Better photos of the officers should be forthcoming once in person.)

Jeanne Resen gave her ice-breaker as she is ready to start her second Pathway in "Engaging with Humor."  She dealt with the theme of  "Who is the Real Jeanne?"  Early on in her marriage she said she'd discovered that the root of all religion is the same.  She came up with three principles that have been her foundation for 50 years:  1) being non-judgmental by looking at the motive and not the action; 2) living life with passion but detaching from the results; 3) acting as harmlessly as possible.  She added that she tries to ask, "What am I supposed to learn?" from every experience.  She concluded that what warms her heart the most is having her kids enjoy each other and enjoy their own kids.  She was evaluated by Karen Alexander.

Sally Jones was Table Topics Master and gave prompts on the transition theme to Blanca, Dick, Ron, Brad, and Susann.

The Eyes and Ears Team gave its reports:  Melinda Lowrance as ah-counter, Betty McCallister as word master, Stan Coss as grammarian, and Don Glovan as timer.  
Judy Groff served as GE and TTE. 

Judy presented a trophy on behalf of the club to Susann for her outstanding service as president.  President-Elect Karen Alexander asked for a show of hands for those interested in meeting in person next Friday.  Eight or nine quickly raised hands.    The aim will be to do a hybrid meeting that uses Zoom using wi-fi or a remote router AND also meet in person for up to 10 people at one location.  Two members will continue to Zoom from Florida, and there will be others wanting the convenience of home.  Members in masks are expected to enter and exit the building, but inside there is to be space to socially distance, sanitize, and remove the masks.  The building and procedures for sign-up, etc. is to be announced ASAP.

President Susann gave commentary on each member's contributions that she had observed during her term.  These are given in their entirety below.

Members attending were the following: Karen Alexander, Ron Climer, Stan Coss,   Don Glovan, Hoyt Griffith, Don Groff, Judy Groff,  Sally Jones, Melinda Lowrance, Betty McCallister,   Jeanne Resen, Blanca Sanchez, and Susann Swan.  Guest-soon-to-be-member Dick Miley.

(Parting words of President Susann Swan)
All of YOU make this club special in the following ways:

· Betty—You always making each member feel like his/her speech
was the best you’ve ever heard in your life.
· Blanca— You bring a calm, collected presence, and the spirit of
courage to overcome nervousness in public speaking.
· Brad – your wonderful vocabulary, fascinating life stories, spoken
with eloquence
· Carole – your willingness to participate in roles, pot lucks, and
now willing to serve as an officer with new ideas to make our club
even better.
· Danielle—you have the power of persistence. You show up, even
without a lot of people in your age bracket in this club, and have
transformed from extreme nervousness to being at ease speaking in
this club.
· Dick –You’ve raised the bar for delivering ice breakers, and you
bring an enthusiasm for what you love to this club.
· Don G#1 You’re the club’s team player. Always there to fill in a
role, help out, and serve as an officer.
· Don G #2 If we don’t see you at a meeting, it’s because you have
to work. You show us how to be relaxed and at ease when giving a
speech. And you’re willing to serve as an officer. You’ll be a
great Sgt. at Arms.
· Hoyt – You bring a thoughtfulness to the club that is wonderful.
You carefully plan and execute each role, like giving us new
vocabulary in words for the day, and how you evaluate others.
· Jeanne – Our happy hatter. You entertain us when you get pitched
the most off the wall table topics, and inform us how to be
healthier in our lives, with an appreciation of the theatre on the
side, of course.
· Judy – The spirit of enthusiasm in this club is in all you say and
do. You show us the spirit of service in your willingness to help
the club, serve as an officer, and to represent our club in speech
· Karen –you are is our club’s encyclopedia of Toastmasters with
the decades of experience that you bring to our club. We will be in
good hands during the next program year with you running the
· Melinda—You are a queen of table topics. You are a valuable
resource to this club to help find places for speech contests, and
maybe a physical location for us for next month. You have set the
tone for our meetings by bringing us to order as sgt at arms.
· Molly—Like Don G#2, if you’re not here, you’re working. You
bring a calm and peaceful energy to our meetings and in your
· Ray -You jump right in to any role that you’re assigned. You
bring gusto to our meetings and to your speeches.
· Ron—Our Humorist Emeritus. You always make us laugh. Your
pivots during table topics are what young people would call
· Sally—Like Stan, you have that quiet presence that and then
transform into a commanding speaker. You also bring a spirit of
service to the club in your willingness to be an officer, help us be
in the parade, and especially for being the keeper of the table
topics to bail us out when we run out of speakers! Thank you!
· Stan—I wish you could bottle your commanding stage presence
and sell it to us (at a member’s discount, of course). You bring a
devotion to this club and inspiration to all of us by pursuing your
DTM. Looking forward to your services as our new VPE.


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