Summer Equinox and 'Horrible' Table Topics

Michael took his first stab at leading our meeting this morning and did a great job. He excelled at using his theme - Summer Equinox - throughout the meeting and even ended the meeting with a short fact about the Sun's effect on leaves. The word of the day was "Celestial." 

Michael debuts as Toastmaster of the Day.

Melissa's joke about 2 trouble-making boys in church got a big laugh before we heard from our two speakers.

Karen challenged us to identify those taking us in the wrong direction.

Karen gave an inspirational speech titled "Directionally Challenged" which she will be giving again this weekend. Using two personal examples, she inspired us to stay close to the people who are helping us move in the right direction in life and keep our distance from those who aren't. She was later evaluated by Judy who's glows included organization, flow, and delivery and her one grow was to work on clarity at the beginning. 

Don E gave our second speech titled "Stopping Big Bangs." In this case, Big Bang referred to atomic bombs, and Don gave a detailed speech on some of the components of nuclear bombs and how they work. He was later evaluated by Amy who focused how well he introduced his speech and told us exactly what he was trying to accomplish which helped the audience get the most out of it. 

Don proved once again that he's much smarter than the rest of us.

Nathan led the Table Topics. He had club members give mini speeches on the following topics: guilty pleasures, definition of success, why they love their shoes, and writing their own obituary. Table Topics participants were Hoyt, Suzanne, Melinda, and Ron. 

After our evaluators, we heard meeting reports from our Eyes and Ears Team. Timer - Jeanne, Grammarian - Karla, Wordmaster - Michael, and Ah Counter - Stan.

Finally, Betty wrapped up the meeting with a general evaluation of how the meeting went as a whole. 

Thanks to everyone in attendance: Stan, Melinda, Judy, Melissa, Don 1, Karla, Don E, Nathan, Hoyt, Amy, Michael, Betty, Sally, Jeanne, Ron, Suzanne, Karen 


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