Planting Goes Year Round

Brand new Toastmaster, MaryBeth Dallman, shows her love for a Table Topic.  
Toastmaster of the Week, Sally Jones;  Theme, Planting; Wordmaster, Hoyt Griffith; Word of the day (Ballyhoo); Grammarian, Don Groff; Ah Counter,  Carole Kitchen; Timer,  Randy Dunn; Joke Master,  Stan Coss; Speaker#1, Susann Swan; Speaker #2,  Betty McCallister;Table Topics Master,  Melinda Lowrance; Speaker # 1 Evaluator, Ron Climer; Speaker #2 Evaluator,  Jeanne Resen; TT Evaluator,  Judy Groff; General Evaluator,  Don Emon.

Stan gave the joke of the day about a surgery in another hospital besides Pardee. All of the toastmasters had a role in reading the punch lines.

Susann spoke about “5G: What It Can Do for Us and to Us?” She discussed the concept of 5G, what it can do, how it will be deployed, and potential health risks to us.  She urged Toastmasters to do their own research as well.

Betty ‘s topic was  “13 Things that Mentally Strong People Won’t Do.  She discussed emotional intelligence and how we respond to situations.  Some of the items were: Staying in their comfort zones, carrying grudges, and dwelling in the past.

Jeanne gave the evaluation of Susann’s speech.  She praised the opening, engaging the audience, good research, and organization.  Challenge is humor.  Add some to the speech, use more eye contact, and gestures.

Ron evaluated Betty’s speech.  He suggested that she get a clicker to advance slides so she can move around more.  He praised her perfect use of hand gestures.  He suggested perhaps using more color in her presentations.

For table topics:   Melinda invited MaryBeth to respond to her question about planting seeds of dreams and what they would be called.  Mary Beth spoke about her children and her adventures with them at a family cabin.  

Barbara told us how she would cultivate her seeds that were planted.  She gave a metaphor of the values that she instills in her children to cultivate them. 

Judy gave the TT evaluation.  Judy noted how Mary Beth spoke what was in her head and transitioned into her children’s life, can complimented Barbara on her example of cultivating her children

Don gave the grammarian report.
Carol gave the ah counter report, with detailed examples.
Hoyt praised the number of people using the word of the day.
Randy gave the timer report.

Don Emon gave the general evaluation.  He praised the quality of our meetings and how we learn from the topics.   He suggested getting a handout of Betty’s topics.  He commented on how working the room in this setting puts our back to someone else.  He urged the Toastmaster to clap until the speakers come to the lectern.

Judy gave her president’s comments about the meeting. A discussion by some members ensued about using the classroom next door because of its setting.  MaryBeth noted that sometimes the classroom is booked, but we could book that room and move into the video room when the classroom is not available. 

Members Present: Judy Groff, Don Groff, Don Emon, Jeanne Resen, Hoyt Griffith, Sally Jones, Melinda Lowrance, Stan Coss, Betty McAllister, Randy Dunn, Carol Kitchen, Ron Climer
Guests: MaryBeth Dallman;  Barbara ___

Hold the date!!!  The Groffs will host and end of the program year potluck at their home on Sunday, June 9, from 4 – 7 pm.  All FSTM members and their spouses/significant others are welcome.


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