Tilting Towards the Sun and then Away

Ron Climer as Table Topics Master watches the parade of august men and women that take on his prompts.  We learn from Toastmaster Betty McCallister, as part of the theme on autumn, that the weather of fall and winter cools down due to the earth tilting away from the sun.

The Word Master, "august" Nick Ronningen, provided that respectful word of the day, and his son Caleb was one of the table topic responders.  Joke Master Sally gave a story a patrol officer had never heard before.  Here below left Susann Swan speaks about mentoring, as in her learning about nameology, and Betty continues her Toastmastering transitions on the fall season.

Susann spoke on "Why Should I Have a Mentor?" from Pathways Level 2.  Her evaluator was Melinda Lowrance.

Josh Gravley spoke on "Preach On" from Pathways Level 1.  His evaluator was Judy Groff.  Below rigth Josh opens his speech and Brad Dienst finishes his table topic.  Brad later announced that  a memorial service will be held for his dad, Dr. Stan Dienst at Trinity Presbyterian Church on Blythe Ave. at 2:00 PM on Oct. 5th.  Dr. Stan, as he was addressed the last five years, was a founder of the FSTM from 2006 and an inspiration to members of our club.

Ron Cliimer as TTM had a half dozen responders: Molly Garnett, Brad Dienst, Stan Coss, Karla Reese, Caleb Ronninger, and Don Groff.

The eyes and ears team included the following:  Grammarian Don Groff, Ah-Counter Karla Reese, and Timer Danielle Messer.

GE and TT Evaluator was Jeanne Reese

President Susann Swan did not hold the club captive for filling slots but did say there were still nine openings for next week.  Please fill this on line or on the sign-up sheet made available.

In attendance were the following members:   Josh Gravley, Don Groff, Judy Groff, Sally Jones,  Melinda Lowrance, Betty McCallister, Karla Reese, Nick Ronnigen, Susann Swan, Wendy Whitaker, Danielle Messer, Jeanne Resen, Ron Climer, and Molly Garnett.  Caleb Ronningen was a guest.

A Delicious treat, just for squirrels, these hazel nut samples were given to each attendee along with a colorful leaf in packets by Toastmaster Betty to support her autumn theme.  Not for human consumption, mind you, but squirrels will love them.


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