The Media

Toastmaster Stan Coss led off with the media theme, because he demonstrated that media is such a big part of our keeping up with current events, be it in print, broadcasts, or the internet.

President Susann Swan presented the slate of officers that will be voted on next week for the new year:  Karen Alexander, president; VP Education, Stan; VP PR, Judy Groff; VP of Membership, Carole Kitchen (if Carole's membership is renewed); Treasurer, Don Groff; Sergeant at Arms, Don Glovan.  Nominations may be made by email to Jeanne Resen or at the start of the June 12th meeting.

Don Groff was joke master.  TM Stan recalled the important alliance between Toastmasters and Rotary.

Rotarian and frequent Toastmaster Guest Dick Miley presented an ice-breaker.  He wove* smoothly his bicycling for treats, his education, his military experience that included a Vietnamese pig on a bike, his lawyering, and his cycling to raise money for Rotary.  He ended with a challenge to help the cycling event happen on Labor Day.  Weaver* and Toastmaster Susann was his evaluator.

Ray Daley spoke for his evaluation and feedback Pathways project on "What Happened to My Local Newspaper? Based on nearly 40 years in the business end of the newspaper business, Ray related how the thinning newspaper had resulted from the influence of the internet.  As younger generations turned to online sources for their news, the subscriber base began drying up.  The advertising department had to charge less as the readership decreased.  Ray was evaluated by Judy Groff.

Ray said a riddle that no millennial knows the answer to is "What is black and white and red all over? The answer to that and the next seven riddles is at the end of this blog.
1-  What can you break but not touch?
2-  What room do ghosts avoid?
3-   What has a neck but no head?
4-  What has many keys but can't open a single lock?
5-  What has teeth but can't eat?
6-  What question can you never say yes to?
7-  What has to be broken before you can use it?

Hoyt Griffith was Table Topics Master and gave a set of two cliches to each of four respondents.  How would you respond if time heals all wounds, easy come easy go, every cloud has a silver lining, and there's no need to cry over spilt milk.

The Eyes and Ears team gave its report:  Sally Jones as ah-counter, Ron Climer as grammarian, and Don Glovan as timer.  Karen Alexander was the GE and Table Topics Evaluator.

Members attending were the following: Karen Alexander, Ron Climer, Stan Coss,  Ray Daley, Don Glovan, Hoyt Griffith, Don Groff, Judy Groff,  Sally Jones, Melinda Lowrance, Betty McCallister, and Susann Swan.  Guest Dick Miley broke the ice.

Susan Swan led a discussion after the meeting on who might still join in the month of June.  Three more members or renewals are needed in three weeks to make the club recognized as   "Distinguished."

Riddle answers.
The newspaper.
1- A promise.
2- The living room.
3- A bottle.
4- A piano.
5- A comb.
6- Are you asleep?
7- An egg.


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