Parade, Here we Come!

If you think you're scrolling through a fashion catalog, well, you are partially correct.  Some of us will want to be in fashion as Toastmasters in the upcoming December 6th parade.  This above is the hoodie style that Judy Groff is taking orders for now.  She is modeling the small size above but without the Toastmaster logo.  Just look at her email to see more details.

Another available color besides blue is the maroon color below.  The close-up logo is in blue.

Now, on with the meeting of November 22.  President Susann Swan was the note-taker.   The meeting theme was "Synchronicity."  

8:00 Sergeant at Arms Melinda Lowrance8:01 President Susann Swan8:03 Toastmaster Susann Swan8:05 Wordmaster Melinda Lowrance8:08  Jokemaster Jally Jones8:10 Speaker Danielle Messer8: 16 Mentoring Moment Karen Alexander8:28 Table Topics Master Don Groff8:41 Evaluator #1 Judy Groff8:44 Eyes and EarsWord Master Melinda LowranceGrammarian Karla ReeseTimer Don GlovanAh Counter Caitlin Owens8:48 General and Table Topics Evaluator Wendy Whittaker8:55 President Susann Swan

Melinda  Lowrance gave the word of the day as “Event.”   Judy Groff gave the club an update about the parade and showed members a hooded sweatshirt that interested members could order with our FSTM name and logo on it. She will check on the cost of getting them made.

Susann Swan spoke about a couple of instances of synchronicity that she encountered this past week.
Danielle Messer gave the same speech about her job that she delivered last week, incorporating the feedback that she received from the first speech.  Judy Groff gave her evaluation of Danielle’s speech and noted
the improvement from the week before.

Karen Alexander spoke to the club about " Why compete in Toastmaster competitions." She asked Karla to
describe her experience with the Evaluation competitions. Karen described the upcoming international competition and urged members to participate.

Don Groff was the Table Topics master and he asked questions about occasions when the speaker was in sync or out of sync with his or her environment, how one prepares for the change of clocks, as well as the change of seasons. Don Glovan, Caitlin Owens, Karla Reese, and Betty McCallister spoke about their experiences.

Following the reports of the eyes and ears team, Wendy Whittaker gave the general and table topics evaluation of the meeting.

Remember that we have the parade on Saturday, December 7 in the morning, immediately followed by the pot luck lunch at the Groff’s home. There is a sign up sheet online on the December meeting sign up sheet
(hint, hint to sign up for speaking and roles, as well as the pot luck.)

Here below is the handout to be given to adults that seem to have interest along the parade route.  We are also to hand out some candy to the kids.


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