The Last Shall Be First

Josh Gravley took the reverse of last week's theme and dealt with "last's."  Josh lasted throughout the meeting with interesting information, including the last trip to the moon (1972), the last word in the dictionary (the zyzzyva, a snouted beetle), and The Last of the Mohicans movie (1992).  Joke Master Karen did not have the last laugh, but she opened with some.

Word Master Ray Daley was "optimistic" about getting some word usage, and near the last of the meeting he got some.

Jeanne Resen gave a very enlightening view of the stage manager's job.  She gave entertaining stories of holding up a show, saving  flying effects, managing 14 kids and dog, and carrying a firearm across the border on a road show.  Her audience gained a new appreciation of all the responsibilities entrusted to this liaison to the show's director.  She was evaluated by Stan Coss.

Sally Jones was Table Topics Master and supplied prompts in support of the theme.  Judy Groff was GE and table topics evaluator.

The Eyes and Ears Team was composed of the following:  Grammarian, Don Groff; Ah Counter, Susann Swan; Word Master, Ray Daley; Timer, Mary Beth Dallman.

We are optimistic that a gifted Toastmaster like Josh will not make this meeting his Last.  Even if his business project is over, his unique talent as a speaker and emcee merits an encore.

Those in attendance were the following:  Karen Alexander, Stan Coss, Mary Beth Dallman, Ray Daley, Brad Dienst, Josh Gravley, Hoyt Griffith, Don Groff, Judy Groff, Grant Guffey, Sally Jones, Melinda Lowrance, Betty McCallister, Jeanne Resen,  Susann Swan.


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