Happy New Year!

Veteran Toastmaster Betty McCallister was the "fill-in" TM for this first meeting of the year with a fully lined up, printed out agenda with only the Toastmaster position to be decided.  Don Glovan gave the joke for the day.

Karen Alexander gave a sampling of an International Speech, the variety that is to be part of the February 7th speech contest.  She gave an inspiring speech on "Attitude is Everything."  She gave examples of how a smile can make a great difference.  Her attitude check included a number of great ideas transferable to Toastmasters, such as thinking only "I got to do it" versus "I get to do it."

Stan Coss was Karen's evaluator.  Table Topics Master Wendy Whitaker gave various prompts that included reflections on the past year

The Eyes and Ears Team consisted of the following:  Word Master (Resolution), Caitlin Owens; Grammarian, Molly Garnett; Timer, Hoyt Griffith; Ah Counter, Carole Kitchen, who gave the startling revelation that "So" had been used 24 times!

Stan Coss, the upcoming speech contest chair, gave a call out for participants for the Friday, February 7th contest that will replace the regular meeting time.  A number of volunteers spoke up for roles.

President Susann Swan gave a general evaluation of the meeting and a thorough critique of the table topic presenters.  She then concluded the meeting.

Members attending were the following: Karen Alexander, Stan Coss,  Molly Garnett,  Don Glovan, Hoyt Griffith, Carole Kitchen, Melinda Lowrance Betty McCallister, Danielle Messer, Caitlin Owens,  Jeanne Resen,  Susann Swan, and Wendy Whitaker.

A board meeting was held afterwards with Susann, Karen, Melinda Lowrance, Caitlin, and Stan in attendance.  The club status sheet was passed out on Toastmaster Goals to achieve by June.  Various goals were mentioned, like the level one and two credits and the training that two officers will need with either a TLI or a visit from Bryan Smith.


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