Fall Food & Officer Meeting

Here's the meeting from start to finish, with Toastmaster Wendy Whitaker launching into the theme of "Fall Food" and Betty McCallister recounting from her notes the general evaluation of the meeting and the table topics.

Table Topics Responder Joseph Girmann is loading up a crock pot, and Jokemaster Don Groff is making way for a bed frame.

Speaker Ron Climer presented his views and called for audience response on "You've Come a Long Way Baby, but You still Have a Long Way to Go."  He remarked on improved race relations but brought up instances of dehumanizing.  He concluded with a call for polite correctness over ever-changing political correctness.  "Being right is no excuse for being rude," said Ron.  Stan Coss was Ron's evaluator.

Karen Alexander gave a Mentoring Moment on "Mentoring." She said there was a wealth of information on the subject on the toastmasters.org site.  She encouraged mentors to find out the goals of the mentees and nudge them into taking on roles.

The eyes and ears team was the following:  Word Master (sustenance) was Susann Swan, Grammarian was Jeanne Resen, Timer was Molly Garnett, and Ah Counter was Sally Jones.

In attendance were the following members: Karen Alexander, Hoyt Griffith, Joseph Girmann,  Don Groff, Judy Groff, Sally Jones, Betty McCallister,  Susann Swan, Wendy Whitaker, Danielle Messer, Jeanne Resen, Ron Climer, Caitlin Owens, and Molly Garnett.  Summer Stipe, from the Henderson Co. Educational Foundation, and Janet Covington, from a middle school, were guests.

An Officer Meeting was held directly afterwards with President Susann Swan presiding.  $50 was approved as a budget for membership folders.  New business cards are to be ordered with the updated address.  Members decided not to renew membership in the Chamber of Commerce since the Pardee location has provided such promise for new traffic and membership building.  

The biggest discussion concluded with Susann bringing up the idea of participating in the December 7th Christmas Parade.  Ron Climer had offered his pickup and Mary Beth Dallman had also volunteered her convertible.  There might be a party afterwards.  The key is getting a commitment from a big turnout of members.  This issue was to be raised at a future Toastmaster meeting.

The two meetings were both highly efficient and concluded at 9:15.


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