Change and Fun Cobbled Together

The title and feature photo, using Sally's theme, Susann's verb, and Don Groff's table topics, capture today's meeting.  Toastmaster Sally Jones took a phrase from a Toastmaster Magazine to say that "if you're not changing, then you're not growing.  Don Emon started the humor going with his joke using  jumper cables.

  Judy Groff continued on with great energy as the sole prepared speaker on communication styles.  One anecdote dealt with her wanting to get things moving but stepping back to let scheduling unfold with Mary Beth's great offer of the classroom and the alternate conference room.  Stan Coss gave an evalution that included praise for her organization and a tip on transitioning.

   Don Groff continued on Toastmaster Sally's tag team using the "change" theme.  His table topic prompts  enabled seven members and two guests to be put on the spot.

Jim Jones, Sally's husband, is an occasional guest and super host for the fall social.  Nick Ronningen was a first-time visitor that impressed all with his poise and proper use of "vicissitude," the ambitious word of the day. Yes, it does mean a condition of constant change or alternation.

It was great to have Ron Climer back from his travels to assume the ah-counter role to keep us aware of filler words.  Here Betty is taking notes for her role as GE and table topics evaluator, and Wendy Whitaker is relieved that her table topic is over.

Vicky Balson responsibly showed up to be greeter before having to leave to fulfill another obligation.  Don Glovan calmly and reliably served as timer, despite taking some flak from Stan during Stan's overly long time as evaluator.  Karen Alexander took her turn of phrase and other grammar stand-outs as grammarian. 

President Susann Swan concluded the meeting by trying to line up remaining roles for next week's meeting.  It's to be on the theme of Evaluation, assuming Stan gets his act together.

In attendance were the following:  Vicky Balson, Susann Swan, Stan Coss, Judy and Don Groff, Don Emon, Don Glovan, Karen Alexander, Danielle Messer, Wendy Whitaker, Ron Climer, Sally Jones, and Guests Jim Jones and Nick Ronningen.


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