Jeanne, as Joke Master, told of a parrot put in the freezer.

Theme for the day:  Cold;   Word of the day: Glacial;  Toastmaster: Sally Jones
Eyes and Ears Team:  Ah Counter- Melinda; Grammarian – Judy; Word Master – Judy; Timer - Don

Sergeant Melinda gathered us at 8 am to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.  President Judy welcomed the three guests attending the meeting.  This week’s toastmaster, Sally Jones, described the building of the Eiffel Tower in Paris for the world’s fair, and the cold reception it received from the Parisians, before introducing the two speakers of the day.

Not one to shy away from profound topics, Don Emon engaged the audience with his speech, A Model for Understanding Our Lives.  Don explained evolutionary psychology as it pertains to our drive to survive and our drive to reproduce.  He cited examples ranging from home security to clothing to our sense of tribe with others.

Michael Thompson utilized the constructive feedback he received from his previous week’s gratitude speech to deliver a polished presentation at this meeting.  Michael will deliver this message of gratitude at the Chamber of Commerce dinner this Friday night.  He incorporated his gratitude to be president of the Chamber as well as his gratitude for its members and the Chamber’s accomplishments for the year.

Margaret served as Table Topics master.  Ron gave his usual outrageously funny delivery to Margaret’s assignment to do a weather forecast for an impending horrendous snowstorm.  Don “Knute” Groff, enacted an exaggerated snow story of trudging through deep snow to meet a friend.
Sally was tossed the concept of selling an imaginary product to the audience.  She chose the object to be an air purifier.  Brave guest, Merle, turned a snowstorm question into a description of his experience running for Congress in New Hampshire during the 1990s.

Betty evaluated Don Emon’s speech, highlighting his clarity and engaging delivery of a non-technical topic.  Stan lauded Michael for his improvement from his prior week’s speech.  He acknowledged Michael for his presence at the podium as he delivered his speech.

Following reports from the Eyes and Ears team, Sally presented Margaret with a certificate for completing level 1 of her Pathway.

Ron gave a hearty approval of the meeting in his general evaluation. In her closing remarks, Judy reminded us of an upcoming international speech contest for Toastmasters on March 9, as well as an area competition on March 23.  More details will be given in subsequent meetings.

Members Present:  Sally Jones, Betty McCallister, Melinda Lowrance, Don Groff, Margaret Davis, Judy Groff, Ron Climer, Don Emon, Stan Coss, Michael Thompson, Susann Swan, Brad Dienst
Guests: Deanne Emon, Shirley Braley, Merle Braley.


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